All posts by brina

About brina

Hi. I am a singer, songwritter, puppetier and graphic designer. I work in different projects. The latest album is a project called Pomladne sanje (The Spring Dreams) I made with slovenian musician Janez Dovc. Than there is Brina, group of 6 musicians, where I grew for the last 10 years. We released 3 cedes and had many wonderful concerts at the World Music Festivals arround the World .. I performe as a puppetier in a show called BibaMica na koncertu (BibaMica at the Concert). It is a story of a snail BibaMica, that loves to sing songs, play with children. But most of all, she would like to learn how to fly. She can almost feel her wings are growing ... untill she meets Kurjo Mamo (Chicken Mother) that tells her all about flying and hidding in a hous like little snail do.



photo by Brane Grilc The AUTUMN DREAMS is the continuation of the Spring Dreams. In october 2015 Brina Vogelnik is coming to Berlin to join forces with charismatic musicians from Berlin; Antonis AnissegosRead More…